Friday, April 22, 2011

Madon Londyn-Cael McFann :)

After 9 long months, 15 hours of labor, Madon finally made his entrance into the world on 4-20-11 at 530 am..They claim he was 4 weeks early.. but weighing in at 8lbs 4 oz and almost 23 inches long I He had to go straight to the NICU because of the Magnesium I had to have for my preclampsia. I didn't even get to hold my baby or see him till he was 5 hours old..


He looked sooo big compared to the babies in there.. but he had a little trouble eating and pooping at first.

He finally got to come down to see his mama around 10:00 Wednesday night.. he can't decide if he likes the bottle or the boob.. so I have been doing both because of my BP medication.. He's a big eater though :)


Maveric met him last night for the 1st time, he took his paci, his hat, tried to feed him cheesecake, and chicken tenders.. but he gave kisses and can't quite figure out why I am holding this baby. The pediatrician came in this morning and said to make sure the minute I get home to run to Maveric and give him big hugs and kisses... which I plan on :)


My sweet sweet babies...

The plan for the next couple weeks.. to change lots of diapers, spend equal time with both babies and start our family of 4 :)